The P3 Government Conference offers the opportunity to learn, discuss and share evolving concepts and state-of-the-art techniques in procuring and delivering critical infrastructure. The focus of this year’s Conference is “Policy, Politics, and Projects,” where we will delve into federal policies (how they can be strategically applied to state and local projects), vital realm of local politics (what it takes within a community to ensure the success of these projects), and real-life examples of projects that have successfully harnessed federal funds in partnership with P3s will take center stage, offering invaluable insights and inspiration.
As public agencies face challenges in finding ways to upgrade existing facilities and deliver new expansions, many are looking at P3s and alternative delivery models as an opportunity to facilitate growth.
Learn how local, state, and federal agencies have overcome resource constraints and found ways to deliver critical infrastructure projects. We focus on how advancements in procurement, design, financing, and O&M can be applied to your portfolio and next project.
Join over 300 public and industry leaders for two key days of project delivery education and networking.
Want to learn more? Sign up here to stay up-to-date on industry news and our latest program developments.
Sessions designed for those who are new alternative project delivery. Learn on how different procurement models may work, and what major considerations must be made when evaluating different project routes.
Hear how public agencies have successfully brought their projects to completion. Agency leaders walk us through the history of their projects, lessons learned, and share details about upcoming plans and developments.
Alternative project delivery models may be a combination of design, construction, financing, O&M, and more. Over two dozen panel sessions we discuss the key issues owners must consider when conducting a procurement.
Interactive conversations on critical project delivery topics and project feasibility. Roundtables are meant to be candid exchanges where participants can ask questions, share project details, experiences, and network.
Senior agency representatives discuss their office’s approach to partnerships, project selection, and upcoming developments. Presenters share how they assess project feasibility, risk, and financing; review partner qualifications, and develop long-range plans.
Over 20+ distinguished panels focused on best practices, strategies, and lessons learned. Hear experienced panelists speak to every stage of the P3 process. Presenters share guidance, recommendations, and frank talk from those who have led successful collaborations.
Attendees include local, state, and federal agency representatives from around the country focused on upcoming projects.
In addition to owners, you’ll meet P3 experts, advisers, and industry leaders who have navigated partnerships from concept to completion.
At the conference you’ll find P3 project stakeholders, operators, administrators, developers, and public works directors; as well as public representatives attending for the first time for P3 training, networking, and to learn how the P3 model can be used for their upcoming procurement and capital planning programs.
Sponsorships are designed to ensure maximum exposure and visibility for each organization before, during, and after the event. Sponsorship options fit a spectrum of budgets, and packages are unique opportunities to provide targeted, creative and direct advertising to maximize exposure and outreach to our audience.
Connect with public agency representatives, project owners, and agency administrators from Municipal, State & Government offices, as well developers, design-build professionals, & industry leaders from across the nation. By exhibiting you build brand awareness and meet with key decision makers pursuing partnerships.
Want to learn more? Sign up here to stay up-to-date on industry news and our latest program developments.