P3C offers quality business connections to the leaders and deal makers in the industry.
Our sponsorships are designed to ensure maximum exposure and visibility for each organization before, during, and after the event. Sponsorship options fit a spectrum of budgets, and packages are exclusive opportunities to provide targeted, creative and direct advertising to maximize exposure and outreach to our audience.
Visit this page to view pricing information or if you are ready to register as a sponsor, please fill out our application and email to BBogan@accessintel.com
Market your products and services while networking at the largest gathering of development professionals focused on public-private partnerships anywhere!
Brynja Bogan
Client Relationship Manager
Tel: 301-354-1771
P3C is one of the largest gatherings of government and development professionals in the country. Aimed at key decision makers involved in public-private partnerships, attendees benefit from countless opportunities to interact with the industry’s most influential professionals, P3 experts, service providers, and public leaders.
P3C expects to attract over 1,000 industry professionals and will include some of the largest organizations in the construction, engineering, architecture, legal, and consulting industries as well as public leaders and development agency officials from the municipal, state, and federal levels of government.
P3C is also attended by higher education business officers including campus planners, finance directors and chancellors from universities around the country.
Commit to sponsorship early and maximize your visibility through pre-conference marketing efforts.
We offer many ways to get your message across. Maximize your company’s exposure with onsite advertising. Products include advertisements in our event guide, on meter boards, charging stations, literature or product drops in event welcome bag, hotel key cards and sponsorship sleeves and more.
Please direct questions to BBogan@accessintel.com
Please provide us with you contact information, and one of our event managers will reach out to you.